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Application No. 10/003,471 
Amendment Dated: August 0, 2007 
Response to Office Action of April 6, 2007 
A.ttomey Docket No.: C063 


The Examiner notes that under 37 C.R R. 1 .72, the title of the invention should be 
descriptive, brief and technically accurate. The Examiner does not indicate whether, or in what 
way, the present title does not meet those requirements. It seems to applicants that the title is 
descriptive, brief and Lcchnically accurate, and applicants request clarification from the Examiner 
if he considers that the title needs to be changed. 


Claims 1-18 are pending in the application. Claims 1, 5, 13, 14, and 15 are in 
independent form. 

General C nmmpnt* 

The Examiner states that with regard to claims 1 and 6, it is unclear how confirming by e- 
mail is being performed. Claim 1 and 6 are not rejected or objected to. Applicants submit that 
they are not required to limit the claim to any particular method of performing the confirmation. 


Claim 13 is objected to as an improper dependent claim. Claim 13 has been amended to 
be independent. 

Claim Rejections Under 35 ILS-C § 112 

Claim 10 is being rejected under 35 U.S.C. 1 12, second paragraph as being indefinite for 
using the auxiliary verb "can." Amended claim 10 does not use the auxiliary verb u can." 

Claim Refecti ons Under 35 U.S.C 8 103(a) 

Claims 1-13 are being rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over U.S. 
Patent No. 7,062,462 to Ireland et al. ("Ireland"). 

Ireland teaches a method and apparatus that enables a user to receive a financial aid 


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Application No. 10/003,471 
Amendment Dated: August 6, 2007 
Response to Office Action of April 6, 2007 
Attorney Docket No.: C063 

package from an educational institution. Col. 1, lines 15-21. Ireland dues not address bow the 
financial aid is awarded. 

Ireland, the primary reference, does not teach any of the dements of claim h Ireland 
does not teach '"providing a form for use in nominating a scholarship recipient nominee." Ireland 
does not teach dominating a scholarship recipient nominee-" Ireland does not teach "contacting 
the nominee to confirm that the nominee accepts the nomination." Ireland does not teach 
"providing a form for voting for a nominee." Ireland does not teach posting the form to vote for 
a nominee." Ireland does not teach "confirming the vote using electronic mail." Ireland does not 
teach "awarding a scholarship to the nominee satisfying a voting criterion." 

The Examiner states, however, that receiving a nomination on behalf of any other person 
is old and well known. Applicants are not claiming "receiving a nomination on behalf of any 
other person." Applicants in claim 5 are claming a method of awarding a scholarship, including 
specific steps of "awarding the scholarship to the nominee satisfying a voting criterion," 
Applicants in claim 1 are claiming a method of increasing traffic on a web site. 

Scholarships have traditionally been awarded based upon need or merit after completion 
of complex financial aid forms- Need-based scholarships allow individuals to attend college who 
would not otherwise have the financial ability. Merit based scholarships attract top students that 
will bring prestige to the college. The Examiner has not cited any reference showing a reason 
why a skilled person would deviate from the long-established bases for awarding scholarships. 
The Examiner has provided no reference in which scholarships are awarded based on internet 
nominations and votes. Applicants have altered the time-honored methods of awarding 
scholarships, in part, as a method of increasing internet traffic at college related site. Applicants 
submit that this method is novel and was not obvious as of applicants* February 2001 filing date. 

The Examiner cites the process by which elected officials are elected in the USA. 
However, elected officials in the USA are, to applicants knowledge, not nominated over the web 
and to applicants knowledge, people do not vote over the web for elected officials. The 
Examiner cites multiple awards, such as the Tony award, Grammy award, Nobel Prize, NBA 


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Application No, 10/003,471 
Amendment Dated: August 6, 2007 
Response to Office Action of April 6, 2007 
Attorney Docket No.: C063 

MVP, Teacher of the Year awards, etc. The Examiner provides no evidence to show that any of 
these awards used internet nomination and voting before applicants' filing date. Even if the 
awards had used Internet nomination and voting, skilled persons had no reason to apply Internet 
nomination and voting to the field of scholarships. 

MPEP 2144.03A states: "It is never appropriate to rely solely on "common knowledge" 
in the art without evidentiary support in the record, as the principal evidence upon which a 
rejection was based." Applicants submit that the primary reference, Ireland, teaches none of the 
claim elements of the independent claims, and the Examiner is improperly relying on "common 
knowledge" to supply the entire substance of the rejection. 

The Examiner states on page 8 that 'local, State-wide, primary and general elections can 
be conducted over the Internet, wherein a voter, using a computer, can vote or nominate a 
candidate or a second person for a post or a position in the privacy of his own home." It is not 
clear to applicants that voters were nominating and voting in democratic elections before 
applicants' filing date. 

Applicants respectfully traverse the "official notice." MPEP 2144,03A states: "It would 
Sot be appropriate for the examiner to take official notice of facts without citing a prior art 
reference where the facts asserted to be well known are not capable of instant and unquestionable 
demonstration as being well-known." To adequately traverse such a finding, an applicant must 
specifically point out the supposed errors in the examiner's action, which would include stating 
why the noticed fact is not considered to be common knowledge or well-known in the art As 
explained above, in the rapidly changing field of ihc compute**, what appears 4t well known" 
today may not have been obvious six years ago. Applicants request that the Examiner provide 
evidence of the noticed facts, as required by MPEP 2144. 03C, which states: "If applicant 
adequately traverses ihe examiner's assertion of official notice, Hie exaaxiaej must provide 
documentary evidence in the next Office action if the rejection is to be maintained." The 
Examiner states that "it is well established in the industry, for example, that the National 
Basketball Association (NBA) received nominations, via a form posted on its site, fbr players for 
different posts who will compose the All-Star Western and Eastern squads . . ." Applicants do 


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Application No. 10/003,471 
Amendment Dated: August 6, 2007 
Response to Office Action of April 6 ? 2007 
Attorney Docket No.: C063 

not known that such voting occurred before applicants filing dale, aud icspwlfully requests the 
Examiner provide evidence if he chooses to maintain the rejection. 

Claim 1 6 states that the nominations are received from anyone having internet access. 
There is no evidence that awards, such as the Nobel Prize, the Grammy awards and the Tony 
awards, allow anyone having internet access to nominate a candidate. Similarly, there is no 
evidence that in a democratic election, a candidate can be nominated by anyone having internet 
access by posting a web form. Claim 1 7 states that any college student or prospective college 
student can be nominated. There is no evidence that the awards and prizes described above 
allow such open nomination via the Internet. 

Applicants do not claim to have invented voting; applicants have invented methods of 
awarding scholarships and of increasing traffic on a college-related web site that include voting 
as an element of the claims. 

Applicants submit that all claims are now allowable and respectfully requests 
reconsideration and allowance of the application. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Dated: August 6, 2007 

Michael O. Scheinberg 
Patent Attorney 

Pat. Reg. No, 36,919 
P.O. Box 164140 

Austin, Texas 78716-4140 
Telephone: (512) 637-0800 
Facsimile: (512) 306-1963 

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